Wednesday, February 11, 2009

brief my blog

Hoepfully, to explain how I've laid things out in this blog, I'll give you a basic outline. You can't expect me to be big and strong and then clever and smart all at the same time...

1. Schedule of food and supplements
a. what food I ate and at what times
b. what supplements I took and what time
2. The work out
a. what time the session was
b. what I did during that session
a. summary of work out and or day
b. just your basic comments on life and how it effects what I do

That being said, I'll give you some thoughts on today. As I said previously, my Mother is not doing well. She has lung cancer. The harder part is that my Father passed away just over a year ago. My family was still dealing with that and less than a year later, my Mother was diagnosed. I have dealt with those things fairly well considering and the training does help cope. The economy is a constant worry. We cut jobs where I work and knew it was coming all month and fortunately for me, I was not a position that got cut but, there seems to be no upturn on the horizon. So, do we worry about our jobs still. It was such a relief to not get cut but, when does it end?

These are the things we all deal with and I'm no different nor is my situation unique to me. There are folks out there that have it far worse and my sister is the one, along with her family, that are dealing with the day to day care of my Mother.

In the end, I firmly beleive all we really have is each other and we should nurture that. Please take care of one another.


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! I'm sorry to hear about your family's hardships. The net is a great place to build a support group. Hopefully you find what you're looking for here- whatever that ends up being. :)

  2. Way To Be A Blogger Wade!
    I'll make sure and pop back to give me something to chat with my Mr about, as he enjoys lifting as well.

  3. Welcome, Wade! I'll be checking in here, and picking up some tips. I'm trying to screw up enough energy just to hit the treadmill, maybe you'll inspire me! (No pressure.)

    Hang in there with Mama!

  4. Hi Wade! I love the way you write! I intend to follow your journey through blog life. My prayers will include your mom.

  5. Hi, I popped over from RLL's place. I am at work so can't stay long. I'll be back to read tonight, quick glance looks like we have some not so pleasant things in common. Glad you joined the party Wade.

  6. Wade...Hello. RLL sent me here. Um...she said you were serving milk and cookies.

    Oh...I'm sorry to hear about your mom's poor health.

    Welcome to the blogsphere.

    Um...if I need a body guard, can I hire you? :D

    Ciao honey.
